Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Miss of Things

Suddenly felt like blogging... Just went through some of others blogs. Its been long since i go through their blog and now i found new story, adventures, places to hang around, stuffs and more...

Now i reali feels that i'm so lost. reali very very lost. Its been long since i blog, its been long since i keep in touch with some of them, its been long since i didn go to CHURCH!!!! this de main point. My eyes keeps on flashing as i read through their blog and found there were reali a lot of stuff happening around. Feels like am running out from here and am so outdated. I miss the good old days that i use to have. Hanging around with my coll mates, secondary mates, church friends.... and more. Missing the time and golden days. Stil remember the time i use to attend church and cell group, after de day, i will straight upload my blog with whats happening around. OMG!!! miss!!!

Well, for one thing am sure its realli changing. FRIENDSHIP. As well that i felt everything is changing around me and people whom i'm close with is getting further, relationship between us is changing. I reali hope and wish it won't be tasteless. Am now in 4th sem, and taking different subject, and de time clashes with de break time with others, am all alone everytime. i reali miss de good old time that we hang around at places although its alwiz de same place, but who cares. but now??? am owiz in de reading room all alone. I felt the changes within myself too... Am changing to a person whos more quiet and seldom laugh, i miss de good old me, where did she go? I realli duno why is this happening towards me. Maybe coz i seldom talk and laugh, this makes me havin less communication with others. arrgghhhh........ i hate this.

I miss my old personality but likes how i handle my problems and thoughts....
I miss the good old days we used to hang out and hate that am all alone....
I miss the times that i used to have and hate the packed time that i'm having....
I miss all my mates and wish to hang out with them everyday....
I miss all my mates but i'm reali sorry for not contacting ya'll all the time....
I miss the initiative that i had last sem and wish that the liveliness will come bek again dis sem....

and here i wish everyone will forgive me if i did anythin wrong and wish i can gain back more friends as how i do last time, wish i can be the happy go lucky girl back....

1 comment:

Yvonne Low said...

it is nvr too late to be back church again...God are always waiting for u! and i m sure u ll find urself again!!!